lunes, 15 de agosto de 2011

Regional Assembly in Venezuela

Venezuela Region has performed its Regional Assembly at Paso Real-Cubiro, on  the weekend from 5th to 7th of August, with the participation of 38 persons. During this time, they has worked through the identity and spirituality of the lay, continuing with the lines of action of the recent General Assembly in Aparecida, Brazil. P Jesus Leon cmf  was in charge of leading and motivating this training.

During the Assembly, there have been Regional Council elections with the following results:
Coordinator: Alicia Katari
Secretary: Maria Gonzalez.
Training Secretary: Nailett Marvàez
Economy Secretary: Dilcia Kings.
Religious Assessor: P Jesus Leon
Head of Communication: Joseph G. Melendez.
We thank God for the fruits of the meeting in our brothers from Venezuela, and we are grateful to the responsible team for their availability and service. We pray for the Spirit to enlighten them so they know how to carry the region by the paths that our God wishes, with enthusiasm and openness to the will of our Father. We hope going together making possible that God may be better known, loved, served and praised by all the world.

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