Between October 28th and November 3rd 2013, thirty-four Claretian missionaries and a layman, with apostolic responsibilities in the Province of Portugal , met to celebrate a continental missionary encounter. They were from nine of the ten agencies that the Congregation has today in Europe , preaching in eight countries (Belarus, Spain, France, Italy, Poland, Portugal, the UK and Russia). Germany could not attend.
The aim of the meeting was to promote reflection on the evangelizing Claretian priorities for Europe and the characteristics for the lifestyle and mission in a time period of approximately 15-20 years. Being aware that Europe Claretians agencies are engaged in a serious process of discernment looking for the best way to continue to proclaim the Gospel in this part of the world.
The Claretians in Europe has defined the today's challenges, those they feel called to respond with a unique contribution as :
1. A Mission that is born from the Spirit's action in us and drives us to live in an attitude of listening and discernment.
2. A mission that makes us brothers , that requires us to live in deep communion and care our fraternity as the first missionary word .
3 . A shared mission with the other disciples of the Lord and many other men and women.
4 . A solidary Mission that is expressed uniquely in the commitment with the poor and excluded.
5. A Mission that proclaims the Word in dialogue , ready and willing to go to the existential boundaries , geographic , social and cultural of the evangelization.
In the conclusions of the meeting priority areas for action have been identified:
1. Evangelization of children , youth and families with special attention to the vocational dimension
2 . Commitment to the poor, excluded and migrants.
3 . Dialogue and evangelizing presence in areas of unbelievers, indifferent and non-Christians.
4. Creating and animating Christian communities boosted by the Word of God.
5. Foster and qualification of agents of evangelization.
6 . Evangelizing presence on the Internet.
And as strategic positions related to the area of apostolate:
1. Schools with a clear educational project , missionary and evangelist .
2 . Missionary parishes, samaritans and committed to their environments.
3 . Claretian communities and apostolic positions in contexts of poverty and exclusion.
4. Equipment and specialized provincial and interprovincial presences in shared mission in three areas : management and charismatic animation of own apostolic work: service to other works and projects of Church and border and first announcement .
5. Training centers for evangelizing agents .
6. Mission Offices, NGO and foundations that support the missionary work of the congregation .