domingo, 5 de junio de 2011

News from Owerri (Nigeria)

We publish part of a letter received from Owerri (Nigeria), talking about their activities

“About our activities, during last lent, the Layclaretians conducted our yearly Lenten Retreat/Recollection. It is usually a full day's encounter. The topic of the retreat delivered by our Assessor Fr. Christian Eze is 'Fulfilling God's Call in Our Lives.' He discussed it under the following dimensions: the Human Vocation, the Christian Vocation, the Law Vocation and finally vocation to eternal glory or ignominy. After the lecture, we went into workshops- had 4 groups to further discuss the lecture and finally had presentations by the groups. In addition to the lecture, we included songs, prayers (ROSARY), confession and finally ended with the Mass. We were spiritually nurished and we enjoyed it. We did not take pictures, next time we shall take pictures and send them to you. We are looking forward and preparing for the feast of Immaculate Heart of Mary in the month of June. Rest assured of our prayers as you prepare for the ASSEMBLY in Brazil. We humbly commit the General Council to Jesus, Mary and Claret for a successful Assembly. Thank you and God bless. Yours in Christ, Mary and Claret”, BRO. ALEX.”

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