martes, 19 de julio de 2011

Imagine the Future with Us!!!

In the morning we situated ourselves in the year 2025, to answer the following questions?

We are in the year 2025: imagine the LCM as a person

1. How will this person be? (Physically, clothing, etc.)

2. In what kind of health will it be?

3. What tools and resources are important to this person?

4. What will be the dreams and hopes of this person?

5. What are the challenges and weaknesses that this person has to confront?

6. What will to happen so that this person may continue to grow and evolve?

7. What is the most important thing to know in order to understand this person?

Would you like to build the future with us?

Even if you have already contributed through your community, you can also send us your dreams and hopes for the Movement. Write to us in the blog or through e-mail .You can send us a text, an image, drawing, or video (2 min. maximum). All information received will be shared on Thursday morning.

We look forward to your participation!!!

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